It is astounding how much work and expense can go into a bed bug service, and often with failed results. The typical pest control company, will recommend you wash ALL the clothing in your home and possibly even the curtains, picture frames, and socket covers. You most likely will be told that you should throw every piece of furniture and beds away infested with bed bugs and purchase new furniture and beds.
For Heat Treatment the work and cost is even greater. You will need to remove every living thing from the house, and all heat sensitive items for about five to eight hours. A partial list to be removed are: pets, fish tanks (have fun relocating your salt tank), plants, electronics, artwork, candles, cosmetics, flammables, laminated furniture, mini blinds and any other items that could be destroyed by the intense heat. Hopefully you don’t carry any items out that are infested and then re-introduce them back in your home after treatment. You also will likely be asked to sign a damage waver.
For Fumigation treatment, you will also have to remove every living thing, with the added cost of hotel and meals outside of your home for 3 days and 2 nights. Neither heat or fumigation have any residual value and to protect your home from re-infestation. There should be a proper pesticide application, with strategies deployed and training to make your home bed bug intolerant.
Do you really want to go through all the work and expense, only to have the treatment fail? With Rest Assured’s minimal preparation strategy, you will be amazed at how easy total bed bug elimination is; not to mention saving big money in the short and long term. Best yet, our service usually takes 2.5-5 hours, and you will be sleeping bite free in your own bed the same night.
By sticking with our customers and offering a long term warranty, we learned what products and strategies are effective and what is just a waste of time and money. We use the biology and nature of the bed bug against itself and have made successful long term extermination the norm. Bed Bugs are probably here to stay, but we will empower you with simple practices that combined with an occasional treatment of the proper product, will help keep your home Bed Bug free. Life is stressful enough without making Bed Bug elimination harder or more expensive than it need be.