Why consider a bed bug prevention program? Isn’t “don’t let the bed bugs bite” just a caring bed-time salutation? It was just that; up until around 2008 for most people. Now 1 in 5 homes have been exposed to this pest, and its prevalence is increasing due to a resistance to the common interior pesticides used and a general lack of understanding on how to eliminate this pest. Since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, we recommend a proactive approach to greatly reduce any chance of this pest from infesting your home.
Bed Bugs can enter your home in a multitude of ways, and include but not limited to: Being picked up while at a hotel(even the nicest hotels), at the movie theater, in a taxi, on a plane, a visit by an infested house guest, brought home in your child’s backpack, library books, bringing in a used mattress, or piece of furniture, including upholstered and wood products. Bed Bugs can happen to anyone and your chances are increasing every day that you don’t take action.
Prevention Strategy
We will apply the same strategy used to eradicate bed bugs from a home, by taking into account the types of beds, bed frames, and current living situation. We will then harden the home from being an easy habitat for bed bugs, and will strategically apply a highly effective pesticide. Finally we will provide you with the knowledge and practices to keep bed bugs from ever entering your home, and make it very hard for them to propagate if one does make it in. On a daily basis we see the torment and stress that bed bug infestations have caused people, including sleepless nights and worrying about their children. Add to that the frustration of possibly paying multiple companies thousands of dollars to eradicate the pest without success.
We Offer…
- A scheduled interior treatment every 4-6 months, specifically focused on prevention.
- Includes treatment of new beds or furniture brought in home.
- Advice and council on home strategies based on your home, furniture and lifestyle.
- Phone advice when needed that is included in the service agreement.
- Special package price when combined with general pest exterior treatment package.
- Call today for a custom solution and special pricing.